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The End is Here; Let's Go!

Matt & Clo

It’s over. Our last night in Wilbur was a few months ago, at the beginning of September. We’ve been in Walla Walla, spending time with my family, selling most of our things, renovating our house, working on other projects and getting ready to move to Paris.

I’ve written about five different versions of this post. It’s been about six months since the last update in this rambling, journal-ish review of our trip. The last six months (Uruguay for a month, France for two months and then three months across the US) of our very long drive was filled with a variety of experiences. For me personally it was a bit bumpy at the beginning, but the vast majority was awesome.

How crazy that this chapter of our lives is over. I am still not sure I realize what we have done, the places we went to, the people we met, the trip we took!!!! I wouldn't change a thing. (hum... wait : portable toilets maybe!! haha)

We were very lucky to have family and friends come visit us in Uruguay, see a bunch of friends and family in France (including an amazing wedding) and then see even more friends in the US and a lot of family in California. In hindsight, it was an interesting transitional stage of the trip; from spending time only with each other, Clo and I spent a lot of time with people who mean a great deal to us.

We’re very fortunate. Besides having the ability to explore (in a rather unique way) a number of fascinating places in the past three years, making time to maintain relationships with family and our important people has been a great comfort for me. Not to mention these people who do the same for us!

So what’s next? Clo is in France at the moment, spending the holidays with her family and then she has some work to do. I’m spending the holidays with mine here in Walla Walla and finishing the renovations and selling our stuff. I’ll be joining her shortly in January, and we’re going to live in France for a while!

Family and friends that stuck with us through out this journey were very important, also the friends that became just like family.

I want to start another career (in Renewable Energy this time) and so will begin going through that whole process. I’m quite excited for that. We’re already talking about what we want to do for our next long-duration-living-in-a-mobile-vehicle experience, but that’s a few years away.

We may still post things to this website now and then, but it’s unlikely to be frequent. We’re keeping it around for our own memories, though. It’s strange to think this time in our lives is over, but it’s not like we’re suddenly becoming different people. I view it not so much as a new chapter in our lives, but more like we’re turning the page.

This page is done, time to start on the next one! I’m so lucky to be writing this book of my life with Clo.

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