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Out Of Breath: Jardin du Luxemburg in Paris, France


Welcome to the fifth episode in the Out Of Breath series! In this feature, I'll share my Strava run details (at the bottom of this post) as well as a few pictures of the places I'm running through/by/in/past/etc. This run occurred 1st May, 2017.

Flash forward about a month, Clo and I are spending my last couple of days in Europe in a great location near the Luxemburg Gardens in Paris. I was about to go back to Walla Walla while she went south to start working at Cannes. We relaxed and did some touristy things, but I also had a chance to go running through the gorgeous gardens.

Even though the weather wasn't perfect, it didn't stop the tourists and locals from coming out and enjoying the park. Funnily enough, even though Clo had lived in Paris for about fifteen years, this was the first time she had been here! I was rather surprised.

It was perfect weather for running. Dodging the other pedestrians took a bit of concentration, but made for excellent people watching.

One of the rare pictures of me actually running; thanks to Clo for being there to take a few pictures. I also found out that my friend who gave me the idea to do this "Out of Breath" series lived near here in the past, and used to run through the gardens. Pretty cool!

The next run you'll see on here will be somewhere along the west coast of the US, or more likely in Mexico. From here on out they will be posted very close to the actual time of my run, not in hindsight. :-)

Feel free to follow me on Strava if you also use it. It's a pretty cool tool for running/cycling/etc.

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