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Waking Up With Wilbur And Clo


Inspired by Clo's photography series, I have decided to start a series of my own pictures. In the past few years I've learned a lot from Clo about photography and what makes a good picture, and one of the most core aspects of a quality photograph is the lighting. As such, I have decided to use the natural light of the early morning sun to take a picture of Clo and Wilbur as often as I can. Let's see how it goes!


9th September, 2016. Mora campground, near Rialto Beach near Forks. Our first morning in an actual campground. Having some Seriously Real Toilets a short walk away allowed us to sleep in until nearly 8. Clo and Wilbur are having a grand time.


8th September, 2016. Waking up next to the beach a few miles south of Neah Bay, along the very northernmost point of Washington's Olympic Peninsula. Both Clo and Wilbur are really enjoying the sunrise.


7th September, 2016. We spent the night at the San Juan Island National Historic Park, and the parking lot was not very level. I had to get a bit creative. The angle didn't seem to bother either Clo or Wilbur at all.

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