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Clo's Next ViewPoint: black and white forest beauties, British Columbia, Canada and Montana, USA

© Clotilde Richalet Szuch

So many trees (so much complaining about the trees, I get tree-phobic), so much hiking (so much complaining about the hiking, I am so not in shape), so much driving (so much complaining about the driving, so scared to fall in the ravine). But in the end: so wonderful everywhere around. I guess you have to earn the beauty of the view.

Mix of: Kootenai National Forest, Flathead National Forest, Glacier National Park.

Tellement d'arbres (trop d'arbres: je deviens arbre-phobique!!), tellement de km de randonnée (trop de randonnée: faut que j'arrête de boire c'est pas compatible!!), tellement de km en voitures (mettez un accidenté de la route sur la route: trop de stress tue le stress!!).

Mais au final: quel spectacle! Faut croire que les vues de la haut se méritent.

Mélange de photo de: Kootenai National Forest, Flathead National Forest, Glacier National Park.

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