Welcome to the first of the Out Of Breath series! In this feature, I'll share my Strava run details (at the bottom of this post) as well as a few pictures of the places I'm running through/by/in/past/etc. In the first episode, I'm starting to run again after a rather long break. I re-injured my left knee in the Sun River Marathon a couple of months ago, and tried to run again too soon. This time I'm going to take it much slower and do short distances and/or sloooow pacing as I try and get back in shape.
This route has become a very familiar one for me. I run out my front door and after a few minutes I'm by Mill Creek. On this run I turn around quickly, but if I go further it becomes more beautiful and I can glimpse a variety of wildlife. I always see duck and geese, and not uncommon to see deer, goats, bald eagles, various hawks and my favorites, the great blue herons. It's a fun route.
Feel free to follow me on Strava if you also use it. It's a pretty cool tool for running/cycling/etc.